Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkinfest 2009

Today we had tons of fun! After we took our Human Body Test this morning, which by the way...almost everyone received high scores, we had a packed agenda. We watched "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," carved a pumpkin, played a few games (learned "left" and "right" super fast), watched the 2nd graders do their "IB" program (which will also be shown tonight during the PTA program) and ate all the orange edibles that were brought in by everyone.

(our pumpkin Jack)

It definitely was a day of celebration for those students who work so hard and persevere no matter what I expect of them. I hope to have the entire classes participation at the next party! Hard work = knowledge and knowledge = power!!! Here are some pictures of the class chowing down on all the orangies:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The First Human Body Projects...

I am soooooo proud of my class!!! These are the best projects I have seen in a long time. I can tell that everyone put a lot of work into them and really learned alot throughout the project. We started presentations today and I will post pictures as presentations are given!!! Spook-takular job class!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Look What I Found...

I went to the NC State Fair and came across this lovely display (which has 3 of my students artwork)!!!

So I went tell the Art teacher, Mrs. Swauger, how beautiful and creative the artwork was only to find the entire classes artwork displayed in the hallway!!! What a bunch of artists I have ;) See for yourself!!!

Love it!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Items that are orange that can be brought in on Thursday:
Cheetos, Doritos, cupcakes, orange soda, oranges, orange gummies, candy corn, anything pumpkin, and so on…can’t wait to see all the yummy orangey things out there!!!

Gazette Memo Oct. 26-30

There are A LOT of assessments this week. Here is an outline:

Wednesday: Human Body Project is due, Math Test and Reading Test
Thursday: Human Body Test, Spelling Test

*Please review study guides each night…they will help your child’s grades tremendously!!!

Our class party, Pumpkinfest, is on Thursday! We will be sinking our teeth in anything orange that day. It would be great if everyone could bring in something orange or candy. There are 24 students in the class. Our party will probably be in the afternoon right before dismissal (2-3 pm). Remember, only those students who have enough stickers will be able to participate. I hope this will motivate some students to have a more positive and productive approach to learning in my classroom.

Remember…there is NO school on Friday! Have a Spook-tacular week!

This week’s objectives:

*Math- Multi-digit addition and subtraction problem solving, elapsed time, finding the unknown in an equation, comparing and ordering numbers.
*Reading- words that are contractions, continue reviewing parts of a poem and distinguishing between simile and metaphors, review biographies, parts of an article (non-fiction) and instructions/directions.
The human body focus questions:
-What is a skeleton?
-How many bones are in the human skeleton?
-What are the functions of bones?
*Writing- cut apart a skeleton, reassemble it while writing down the directions, focus vivid verbs

Spelling Words Oct. 26-30

*There are NO Blue Ribbon Words this week. Students will be required to know what two words make each contraction.

Practice on or click here.

1. don't - do not
2. won't - will not
3. doesn't - does not
4. wouldn't - would not
5. couldn't - could not
6. shouldn't - should not
7. she's - she is
8. they've - they have
9. you'll - you will
10. let's - let us
11. aren't - are not
12. I'd - I would
13. wasn't - was not
14. weren't - were not
15. they're - they are
16. isn't - is not
17. he'll - he will
18. we've - we have
19. he's - he is
20. we're - we are

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Word of the Week: Risk Taker

Last weeks word of the week on our room was "Inquirer." We found out, by looking through the dictionary that an inquirer "seeks information by asking questions." The class came up with other definitions for this word as well (Example: Someone who wants to know everything). Last week we were all inquirers as we explored parts of the skeletal system and the systems of other living animals.
This week our word of the week will be "Risk Taker." You can help your child at home better understand this word by finding ways they are risk takers, whether its taking a moment to do the right thing, being adventerous, or doing more than what is expected of them. All my students are risk takers, so this should be an easy one!!!

Gazette Memo Oct 19-23

All the kids are having a blast learning about the skeletal and muscular system. We have been the computer lab twice and most students have printed pictures for their projects. There is only a week and 2 days left to get the project done. Keep working hard!
Pictures will be posted on the website with classroom activities and projects starting next week.

Fall Festival is this Friday from 6:30-8:30 pm. I will only be there from 6:30-7:30ish, but I look forward to seeing you all there.

Have a terrific week…and please make sure everyone is doing their homework each night. They are earning stickers for our Pumkinfest on Oct. 29th (Class Party)!!! If they do NOT have enough stickers, they will NOT be able to participate.

This week’s objectives:

*Math- Multi-digit addition and subtraction problem solving, elapsed time, finding the unknown in an equation, comparing and ordering numbers.
*Reading- words with the suffix –y and -ly, continue reviewing parts of a poem and distinguishing between simile and metaphors, begin looking at biographies, parts of an article (non-fiction) and instructions/directions.
*Science- there will be a test on Friday and a study guide going home Monday or Tuesday, depending on when we get it completed in class.
The human body focus questions:
-What is a skeleton?
-How many bones are in the human skeleton?
-What are the functions of bones?
*Writing- cut apart a skeleton, reassemble it while writing down the directions, focus vivid verbs

Spelling Words Oct. 19-23

1. crabby
2. happily
3. delivery
4. glumly
5. thankfully
6. oddly
7. crunchy
8. truly
9. smelly
10. snappy
11. heading
12. caption
13. bold
14. italic
15. article

Blue Ribbon Words (optional)
1. ancestors
2. imitating
3. bustle
4. powwows
5. elders

One Stop Website

I found this website that has extra practice examples and ideas for your children to do at home. I will put this site on the "Helpful Link" list. Click here. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Skeletal System Links

The Skeletal System Theme Page- has all sorts of links about the human body.
How the Body Works
Skeletal System- what would happen if you didn't have bones?
The Human Body
Owl Pellets- (video) The mystery of owl vomit (this is on our final assessment)
Skeleton Game (Draggin' Bones)
Tour of the Skeletal System
Mr. Bones- put him back together
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet- your gross and cool body

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gazette Memo Oct. 12-16

The class did a wonderful job last week while I was out (daughter had the flu). I was so proud of them and they were able to earn enough cotton balls for our fluff jar to earn a class party. We celebrated all the compliment collections last Friday with a little treat.

There are a few items the class needs to start bringing in for our “Caps for a Cause” campaign. These items include, clean milk jugs, shoe boxes and labels. We will prepare them this week to deliver them to the other classes next week, so they can support our cause.

This week you will I will be sending home an outline for the Human Body Project. Please note that it will be due within 2 weeks of when it is sent home. This project will be done mostly at home. I will give 2-4 opportunities for research in the computer lab and media center.

Have a stellar week…and please make sure everyone is doing their homework each night. They are earning stickers for our Pumkinfest on Oct. 29th (Class Party)!!! If they do NOT have enough stickers, they will NOT be able to participate.

This week’s objectives:
*Math- Multi-digit addition and subtraction problem solving, elapsed time, finding the unknown in an equation, comparing and ordering numbers.
*Reading- words with the prefix non-, dis- and un-, continue reviewing parts of a poem (lines, stanzas, rhythm, rhyme, tone, mood, and speaker) and distinguishing between simile and metaphors
*Science- the human body focus questions:
-What is a skeleton?
-How many bones are in the human skeleton?
-What are the functions of bones?
*Writing- finish writing instructions. How to do something (like a recipe)!!! We will start writing our “Caps for a Cause” Speech this week as well.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Spelling Words Oct. 12-16

Prefixes meaning "not"

Science and Reading words




Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kids College at GMHS!!!

Kids College provides the opportunity for your elementary school students to visit GMHS’s campus and participate in college simulated classes taught by GMHS students and advised by GMHS faculty. Students can choose classes from several course descriptions. Pre- register by mail or by phone (919- 662- 2379). Please join us in this community event! For more information, please visit our website:

Program Planning Guide and Registration International Festival 2009
Monday, October 19th and Tuesday, October 20th

Monday, October 19 ONLY $3.00
Tuesday, October 20 ONLY $3.00
Both Monday and Tuesday $5.00

Pre-Register By Mail:
Send money and provided registration sheet to..
Garner Magnet High School
Attn: Amy Bennett
2101 Spring Drive
Garner, NC 27529

Here are the classes offered for 3rd graders:
Theatre Arts- 101 (K-5)
5:00 only- (Monday & Tuesday)
This course trains students in the basics of vocal expression and body movement. Come prepared to participate.

Theatre Arts- Make-up (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday & Tuesday)

This course explores stage make-up and its relationship to theater design. Real stage makeup application will be practiced.

Visual Art - Indian Sand Art (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will create individual bottles of sand art and learn a few things about Indian culture.

Visual Art-Chilean Rain Sticks (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will create individual Chilean rain sticks and learn the significance of them in Chilean culture.

Dance- African (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will learn and practice the movement and beats of a variety of African dances and rhythms.

Dance- Indian Bollywood (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will learn and practice the movement and beats of a variety of Indian style dances and traditions.

Language Arts- Poetry (Grades 3-5)
4:00 only- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will learn what it takes to become a creative writer and receive writing instruction and tips from creative writers club members.

Language B- Origami (Grades 3-5)
5:00 only- (Monday and Tuesday)

Students will learn the art of Japanese origami. Furthermore, each student will learn a few Japanese words.

Language Arts- Creative Writing- Poetry (Grades 3-5)
5:00 only- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will learn what it takes to become a creative writer and receive writing instruction and tips from creative writers club members.

Language B- Mexican Eyes (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)

Students will learn about Mexican culture with a little piñata fun. Furthermore, each student will learn a few Spanish commands.

Language Arts- Yearbook Page (Grades 3-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
In this class, students will learn the process of yearbook layouts. Students will then create a personal yearbook layout page.

Humanities- African History (K-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will learn about the continent Africa and create traditional African masks. Each student will take home an original mask!

P.E.- Team Building (Grades 3-5)
4:00, 5:00- (Monday and Tuesday)
PEPI-Students will participate in a PEPI Class run by current PEP Students; each class will consist of 2-3 developmentally appropriate games designed to keep children active and involved. Emphasis is placed on character education in building teamwork and good sportsmanship!

Science – Plants (Grades 3-5)
5:00 only- (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will take fill in the blank notes about plants. Afterwards, students will learn about photosynthesis and growth by labeling and coloring diagrams. Students will then apply what they learned by doing a hands on activity.

Math Activity- (Grades 3-5)
5:00 only-(Monday and Tuesday)
In this session you will learn how to graph an ordered pair just like students do in Algebra. Then you will use your knowledge to follow a set of ordered pairs to "draw" a picture to show off! You may even want to try creating your own set of ordered pairs for someone else to "draw" a picture.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Click here to practice this weeks spelling list.

Gazette Memo Oct 5-9

What do skeletons say before they begin dinning? BONE appétit! We are about to begin our science unit on the Human Body. During these next few weeks, we will investigate the skeleton, its functions, joints, muscles, and how muscles move bones.

We will also begin working on our first big project this year. I will be doing homework a little differently during this time so my students will not be overwhelmed with work to be completed at home. Please follow the homework assignments on the “Homework for the Stars” page. Students will only have to do what is on that page…nothing more!!! If you do have any questions, please call me at 662-2458.

This is a very inquiry based unit and I know my class is up for the challenge. Please work with them on their projects as soon as the project directions and rubric are sent home. I do expect a quality assignment!
Have a spectacular week!!!

This week’s objectives:
*Math- finishing up on lines, the names of 2D and 3D shapes, angles, permutations and combinations, fact families and perimeter. A test will be given on Friday!!!
*Reading- plural words, CROP-QV assessment on Tuesday, begin looking at parts of a poem (lines, stanzas, rhythm, rhyme, tone, mood, and speaker)
*Science- the human body focus questions:
-What is a skeleton?
-How many bones are in the human skeleton?
-What are the functions of bones?
*Writing- begin writing instructions. How to do something (like a recipe)!!!

Spelling Words Oct.5-9

Reading-Grandma’s Records

1. chairs
2. candies
3. drills
4. desks
5. cities
6. families
7. faces
8. countries
9. floors
10. cliffs
11. theater
12. salsa
13. record
14. conga
15. perform

BLUE RIBBON Words (optional)

1. percussion
2. categories
3. spectacular
4. conducting
5. proceeds