Monday, November 30, 2009

Gazette Memo Nov. 30-Dec. 4

I hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing Fall break!!! I just want to remind you that the money for the field trip must be turned in by the 10th. If we do not get enough students going, our class will not be able to participate. Thank you so much for setting aside money for your child to participate in this fabulous adventure!

These are the following assessments for this week:
Tues.- Multiplication Test
Wed.- Main Idea and Summarizing Test
Fri.- Spelling, Multiplication, and Unit Math Test

There are only a few weeks until Winter break, so please keep your child motivated to work hard, reflect on areas they can improve on, and take risks to help achieve their goals.

This week’s objectives:
*Math- Multi-digit addition and subtraction problem solving, patterns (numbers and shapes, growing and repeating), creating number sentences to represent a problem, multiplication and division.
*Reading- comparison words (-er and –est), before and during reading strategies for nonfiction, main idea and supporting details in nonfiction, summarizing
*Science –Making observations and use of appropriate technology to build an understanding of the earth, moon, sun system. Observing patterns of movement in the sky (sun, moon, stars)*Writing- writing a research report on a planet. Focus on main idea, writing a topic sentence, and supporting the main idea with relevant details.

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