Sunday, December 6, 2009

Gazette Memo Dec. 7-11

There are only two weeks left before we can get some much needed rest!! Our solar system studies are going extremely well. The students should be done with their group projects by Tuesday. They will be posted outside the classroom for ALL to see!!!

Please…please…please make sure field trip money is turned in. Our class might not be able to go since only half the class has paid.

The multiplication sundae party (December 18th) is drawing near. If you would like to help our class, we are in need of any toppings that would make our ice cream party “out of this world!” Those can be brought in at any time.

Thank you for being such wonderful parents!!! You are not only helping me out, but you are also a vital part to your child and their peers’ academics. We appreciate everything you do for us!

This week’s objectives:
*Math- Multi-digit addition and subtraction problem solving, patterns (numbers and shapes, growing and repeating), analyzing graphs, multiplication and division.
*Reading- prefix bi- (two) and mis- (not) before and during reading strategies for nonfiction, main idea and supporting details in nonfiction, summarizing
*Science –Making observations and use of appropriate technology to build an understanding of the earth, moon, sun system. Observing patterns of movement in the sky (sun, moon, stars) and identifying shadows and their changes throughout the day
*Writing- writing a research report on a planet. Focus on main idea, writing a topic sentence, and supporting the main idea with relevant details. Afterwards, writing a letter to Mr. Claus!

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