Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gazette Memo Jan. 4-8

What a super relaxing, long break! I hope everyone was able to spend quality time with family and friends.

We are jumping right back into the swing of things this week. I do want to let you know that every day, from now on, we will be doing some sort of EOG practice/test taking strategy skill. I like to start slowly so my kids do not become overwhelmed as easily.

Homework will remain the same for consistency purposes. This is how homework will look from now on. I will NOT be able to print out homework agendas…since copies are running low.

*This will be posted on our website!!!


*Read 20 minutes and complete a reading response.

*Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe Activity

*Study Vocabulary Words


*Math Assignment


*Reading Assignment

Objectives this week:

*Math- strategies for multiplication and division (repeated addition/subtraction, fact families, grouping, arrays, commutative property), begin multiplication 2 digit by 2 digit (lattice…a little different than how we were taught…check out our website)

*Reading- cause and effect, drawing conclusions, compare and contrast nonfiction, words with prefixes &/or suffixes, vocabulary.

*Writing-Informational Writing about a chosen constellation.

*Science- objects in the sky have patterns of movement (focus on constellations). Observe that patterns of stars in the sky stay the same, although they appear to move across the sky nightly.

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