Can you believe all the snow we had this week?!?! Hope you were able to make a snowman or two! Since this week has been cut short we will not be doing spelling this week.
February is not only the month of LOVE, but it’s also African American History Month.
Each day I will share information about one or two famous people that have influenced our country in a positive way. On Friday, your child will have to match the person with their accomplishment.
So there will be NO vocabulary words this month…only African American history match-up on Fridays!
We will be having a Valentine’s Party on Feb. 12th during the afternoon. We will be playing a few educational games and then will have a few snacks. The kids will need to bring in Valentine’s for each student in the class (24). I have found that it is a lot easier to have each student write their own name on the Valentine in the “From” section and not write everyone elses name on the “To” section. That way they can be passed out much more quickly. All Valentine’s need to be brought in by Friday morning (the 12th).
Objectives this week:
*Math- multiplication and division word problems, order of operations (Pass My Dad A Spoon), properties of multiplication and addition, fractions (reducing)
*Reading- types of fiction, story elements: characters, problem (conflict), solution (resolution), setting, theme
*Writing-Personal Narrative short story…almost done!
*Social Studies- Economics: division of labor, assembly line, scarcity, supply, demand
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