Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to 3rd grade! Thank you for sharing your child with the Smith family this year. The start of a new year holds the promise of new discovery and learning as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. I look forward to learning more about each child as we venture out this next year together.
To tell you more about myself, I’ve taught both 3rd and 4th grade. I received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from East Carolina University (GO PIRATES!!!) and went back to school to earn my Master’s Degree in Business Administration at Central Michigan University.
I teach because I love to. It’s my goal to see each child reach his/her fullest potential. We have many fun activities planned, but they are always educationally sound. If I motivate the students to learn, then part of my mission is met.
I tend to keep students busy so there is little time for misbehavior. If we find a problem arises, I assure you it will be handled with respect. The students will help plan our classroom rules and consequences. We will share them with you shortly.
I find that communication is the key to success in our classroom. Your child’s homework folder will go home daily and needs to be checked for any important notices. Check the pockets for the papers to “return” and the ones to “keep”. 3rd grade also uses a behavior chart that will be inside the homework folder. I will write down any issues your child may have had throughout the day...good and bad. Please initial the behavior chart daily.
You will also receive a bi-weekly newsletter to keep you current on projects and upcoming events. The first newsletter will include a place for you to sign and put your email address if you’re interested in being part of our classroom communication in that manner. No “forwards” or junk mail will be sent with this; it is strictly used to remind you about upcoming field trips, tests, etc…
My door is always open. If you have something to share, please don’t hesitate to send a note with your child or email me. I love to have parents help in the classroom! I check my email nightly and would be glad to communicate that way. I also have conference times during the day, if you’d like to speak with me in person. You may call the school office (919-662-2458) to arrange that.
I look forward to a wonderful year with your child!
Mrs. Buchanan
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